What is a Plant Dieta
The plant Dieta is an intimate journey of fostering and cultivating a bond with the natural world. By earnestly engaging in this process, we inevitably nurture a more profound connection with our inner selves. This intrinsic transformation has a ripple effect, enhancing the quality of all relationships in one’s life.
Embarking on this profound journey within the Shipibo Conibo traditions necessitates an initial step: the selection of the specific plant to be dieted. It’s not unusual for participants in an Ayahuasca ceremony to receive a visionary revelation, guiding them to their plant ally. For our learners, the Curandero or our adept team at Meraya may offer their insights, tapping into their wisdom to discern the most resonant plant for your path.
We also empower our students to lean into their personal discernment; after acquainting themselves with the various plants available for Dieta, we encourage them to trust their intuition. Our philosophy embraces the diversity of journeys, acknowledging that while there are many roads one can traverse, each choice made in pursuit of personal growth is inherently without fault.
Upon selecting the plant, the next critical phase is the formulation of the Dieta contract, skillfully orchestrated by the curandero. For those with experience, there lies the opportunity to negotiate terms directly. The plant itself communicates its requirements—dietary restrictions, periods of silence, and the intensity of the Dieta—all of which are amenable to discussion. An example might be starting with one meal a day, then adjusting to include a period of silence in exchange for an additional meal, striking a delicate balance to unlock the plant’s full offerings.
Other stipulations typically include sexual abstinence and maintaining mental clarity, steering clear of desires such as those for specific foods or other indulgences. The diet is intentionally simple: bland and boiled, free from oil, salt, spices, and any form of seasoning. Tradition prescribes a solitary meal comprising plantain, rice, and a modest portion of Boquichico—a native river fish.
Both the terms and duration of the Dieta are clearly outlined, with students having the prerogative to impose personal conditions to deepen their plant connection. Yet, adherence to these terms is paramount; any deviation may lead to repercussions that could potentially disrupt the burgeoning relationship with the plant. Fasting, embracing silence, or engaging in practices that enhance this relationship can all be incorporated into the terms at the discretion of the individual.
At our retreats, attendees receive comprehensive guidance through the entirety of this sacred pact; each aspect of the agreement and every detail and nuance is thoroughly explained. Our curandero, with profound expertise, will carefully set the terms with the Dieta plants for you, guaranteeing a journey that is both harmonious and deeply immersed in the sacred art of plant communion.
Prior to the commencement of the Dieta, it is advisable to begin transforming your dietary habits in advance. We suggest that, at a minimum of two weeks before starting, you should either reduce or eliminate the intake of caffeine and high-sugar foods. This proactive step helps mitigate any intense detoxification during the Dieta, which might otherwise divert your energy reserves—resources far better allocated to healing and forging a deep connection with the Dieta experience.
Our observations have led us to conclude that a ketogenic diet aligns most harmoniously with the principles of Dieta. Curanderos, who often undertake Dieta for a year or longer, consistently report an absence of hunger, maintaining nourishment on just one meal per day as their bodies enter a state of ketosis.
Take Mokan Ranco’s experience, for instance: he once embarked on a remarkable 73-day water fast, abstaining from all food. During this time, he encountered significant breakthroughs in his Dieta connection, gaining insights into how sugars can energize one’s shadow side and pose obstacles to the Dieta journey.
The initiation commences once the terms are established. A plant-based purgative is administered to cleanse the body of toxins and parasites, preparing a pure vessel for the Dieta plant to assimilate. The ceremonial opening of the Dieta occurs within an Ayahuasca ceremony, conducted by the Curandero. It is a tradition for the Curandero to impart a fragment of their own Dieta experience to you, effectively planting the seed for your own journey. This sacred exchange is then fortified with an Arcana, a form of spiritual armor drawn from the collective potency of the Curandero’s numerous Dietas.
Such spiritual empowerment is rooted deeply in their family lineage—the wisdom of plant Dietas cultivated throughout their apprenticeship and handed down from generation to generation, from father to son or grandfather to grandson. The Curanderos carry a profound vibrational knowledge of the plants; by sharing this with us, they facilitate an amplified connection that far transcends what one might achieve independently or under the guidance of a novice with only a tenuous link to such traditions and lineage.
The ingestion of the Dieta plant follows the day after the ceremony and is typically taken on days without ceremonial activities. Many Maestros advise either fasting or consuming the plant late in the evening, when tranquility reigns supreme, to ensure the most conducive environment for absorption and reflection.
With the act of ingestion, the symbiosis between you and the plant commences, akin to the inception of new life. The care with which you nurture this burgeoning connection is akin to tending to a nascent being within. It is for this reason that such practices are often embraced in strict isolation—to safeguard the growth of your spiritual seedling from the inadvertent influence of others’ shadows.
In this delicate phase, it is understood that all plants, save for the singular Noyarao, possess a duality; negative energies and thoughts can draw out their more shadowy aspects. Here lies the pivotal role of the Curandero: to ceremonially open your Dieta and remain a steadfast beacon throughout, cleansing, aligning, attuning, and ensuring that the Dieta develops robustly. The Curandero also plays an instrumental role in facilitating healing transformations.
Traditionally, the ritualistic consumption of the plant is limited to four occasions. The substance used is often the root of the plant, meticulously extracted in water that has been charged under the nurturing glow of sunlight. In preparation for this process, it is not uncommon for the Maestro to undergo a fast and imbue the medicine with sacred songs, unlocking its mysteries so that you—the student—may fully assimilate its wisdom.
Upon reaching the culmination of the Dieta, the agreement is honored with a closing Ayahuasca ceremony. While not obligatory, ceremonies held during the Dieta significantly enhance the entire process. Within the sacred space of ceremony, you may receive profound gifts—rewards for your dedication and efforts—whereby numerous elements of the Dieta seamlessly converge.
The ceremony and Dieta journey conclude with an Arcana—a spiritual seal that not only marks the end of this transformative chapter but also readies you for reintegration. This rite prepares your being for the reintroduction of diverse foods and for re-engaging with external relationships that lie outside the previously set terms.
Post-Dieta Reintegration: A mindful approach to reintroduce previously abstained foods and relationships following the completion of the Dieta terms.
Curandero Protocol: A standard 30-day process is commonly adhered to by most Curanderos for post-Dieta reintegration.
Individual Adaptation: Recognizing that each student’s journey is unique, Mokan Ranco tailors a generic post-Dieta guide based on the specific plants involved in the Dieta.
Refined Sugar: A 7-day waiting period before consumption is recommended.
Dairy Products: Gradual reintroduction over a span of 10 days.
Spices: It is advised to wait 21 days before adding spices back into your diet.
Sea Fish: Allowing a full 30 days before enjoying sea fish again.
Red Meat: A recommended pause of 30 days to harmonize with the Dieta experience.
Sexual Activity: Observing a period of celibacy for 30 days post-Dieta.
Non-Ayahuasca Psychedelics: Suggesting a pause from other psychedelics for 30 days to honor the Dieta’s integrity.
Pork Consumption: It is generally observed that pork does not resonate well with the plant spirits and is best avoided altogether.
Noyarao Specifics: Adherence to even more stringent guidelines is necessary to preserve the full vibrational teachings of Noyarao.
The terms of your Dieta might reach their conclusion, but let’s be abundantly clear: the Dieta itself is an eternal companion. This isn’t some membership you can cancel or a subscription that expires. It’s a transformative relationship that continues to evolve and mature, much like a fine wine gaining complexity with age. A year after completion, it’s as if the Dieta kicks into a higher gear, its influence burgeoning within you, never ceasing to provide wisdom and growth.
And speaking of long-term effects, there’s something almost magical that happens at the five-year mark—an experience akin to an intricate tapestry finally revealing its grand design. Just imagine, as Mokan did with another Noyarao Dieta, how the threads of all your experiences over those years can suddenly coalesce, each one clicking into place to form a picture of understanding so complete, it illuminates the path that the Noyarao has been guiding you along.
It’s crucial to cultivate an open heart ready to receive the myriad gifts these plant teachers bestow. The depths of their offering might elude your immediate grasp during the Dieta phase—don’t fret over this. Your awareness of these gifts will emerge in divine timing, tailored impeccably to your individual path.
The generosity of these plants knows no ceiling; their offerings are limitless. Whether you seek healing melodies known as Icaros, profound shifts in your being, peace with haunting traumas, the dissolution of deep-rooted physical ailments, or liberation from the shackles of self-limiting beliefs, the plants stand ready to elevate you. They are poised to gift you a life brimming with deserved abundance and fulfillment.
So I implore you to consider: what is holding you back from claiming this power for yourself? Why delay in gifting yourself the resonating power and vibrations of these extraordinary plants? Embrace this opportunity; let it guide you towards a life of unfathomable richness and purpose.
Meet The Dieta Plant Teachers

Ayahuasca, the serpentine vine, emerges as an ally and teacher, weaving itself into the tapestry of our spiritual pursuits. In its essence, every substance we choose to integrate becomes part of a Dieta—for a Dieta is, at its heart, the formation of a relationship.
Consider this vignette: A student once observed a Curandero tenderly singing to the spirit of Huachuma, also known as San Pedro, during a ceremony. Curiosity piqued, the student inquired about the song. The Curandero’s response was illuminating—he was serenading the student’s own Huachuma Dieta. Remarkably, even a singular encounter with the plant had woven a strand into the tapestry of their Dieta. This leads to an epiphany: many may unknowingly be part of an Ayahuasca Dieta already.
When one engages with Ayahuasca, while simultaneously integrating other plants such as Mapacho, there is an interconnected dieting with them on some plane of existence. It’s within the framework of a traditional Dieta, however, that clarity and intention can drill down into the bedrock of your being, allowing for a far more profound connection with Ayahuasca.
The Shipibo Conibo tribe—masters of ancient wisdom—have taught us that there are manifold Dietas one may encounter. They underscore that how we approach these Dietas can greatly amplify our productivity within them.
As for Ayahuasca itself, one may choose to pursue it either in solitude or in harmony with Chacruna. Through nurturing this bond with Ayahuasca, you stand to gain a nurturing, motherly presence; a loving supporter whose gifts include deep emotional cleansing and powerful energetic releases.

Chacruna, a vital plant in its own right, is most notably recognized as the primary admixture in the Ayahuasca brew. It holds the key ingredient DMT, often perceived as the element that illuminates the Ayahuasca experience with light. While Ayahuasca claims the title of teacher in the grand dance of transformation, Chacruna too steps into the limelight within the framework of a Dieta.
Nurturing a relationship with Chacruna’s spirit during a Dieta can significantly enhance your journey. The presence of Chacruna may bring forth an infusion of clarity and luminosity, making the unseen seen. As one cultivates this bond, they often find themselves better equipped to navigate the complex tapestry of visionary realms, with Chacruna acting as both beacon and guide through the intricacies of these profound experiences.

Challiponga is another admixture plant frequently utilized in the creation of Ayahuasca, particularly within Colombian traditions where the brew is affectionately referred to as Yage. This potent foliage contains 5-MEO-DMT, a compound whose vibration resonates closely with that of the Bufo Alvarius toad, an entity revered in its own right for its profound psychoactive properties.
At Mokan Ranco, Challiponga occasionally finds its way into our sacred brew. Its addition is known to extend the duration of our ceremonies, fortifying the bridge between us and the visionary realms. Like Chacruna, Challiponga also carries the remarkable qualities of enlightenment and revelation, enhancing our ability to traverse and understand the intricate landscapes that unfold before us during these spiritually significant journeys.

Noyarao, once shrouded in the mists of legend, had become more myth than reality—a mythical tree whispered about in hushed tones by generations. Yet, perhaps a dozen or so years ago—though the exact time remains a point of friendly contention among the Shipibo Conibo lineages—this arboreal wonder was rediscovered, standing proudly as if it had never left.
Enshrined in an aura of mystique, the Noyarao does not stand alone; it shares an intimate symbiosis with a bioluminescent fungus that seems inextricably linked to its presence. By night, one can witness this enchanting alliance through the soft glow that emanates from Noyarao’s fallen leaves, a subtle yet spellbinding spectacle that offers a hint to its identification. This luminous clue is but one of the many tools aiding in the discernment of this enigmatic tree, celebrated for its multitude of extraordinary properties.
We invite those with an eagerness for understanding to explore the depths of Noyarao within our fold first. Our organization proudly places it at the heart of our Shamanic Initiation course, honoring the profound teachings it imparts. Revered as ‘the tree of light,’ Noyarao stands as a beacon of enlightenment to those who seek its wisdom. It operates from a plane of non-duality, offering a direct route to enlightenment—a path tread by many a curandero who have ascended to the esteemed rank of Meraya within the Shipibo traditions through harmonizing with the Noyarao vibration.
Noyarao is not without complexity; it embodies a rich tapestry of spirits and personalities within its vibration. While many students report encountering its nurturing, motherly feminine energy, others have felt the robust presence of male Meraya energy. This extraordinary tree vibrates with rings that symbolize the myriad dimensions it traverses, guiding acolytes across vast expanses of Noyarao realms.
Yet above all, its quintessential gift lies in empowerment—teaching and elevating through a doctrine free from suffering. As with all plants revered for their transformative powers, Noyarao’s embrace uplifts without necessitating pain, proving itself as an exquisite and unparalleled botanical guide.

Marosa, a plant steeped in feminine energy, stands out as the most delicate and sensitive of the dietas offered at Mokan Ranco. Those who walk alongside Marosa often find themselves in a more solemn post-Dieta contemplation, reflecting the profound depths it reaches.
Renowned for its remarkable physical healing properties, Marosa has earned the moniker of ‘the pharmacy of the jungle’. This isn’t just a quaint nickname; it signifies Marosa’s deep-rooted connections to the vast array of remedies that the jungle holds within its lush embrace.
Marosa bestows upon her students incredible gifts. She is a teacher of natural remedies, guiding through the intricate process of addressing and ameliorating deep-seated physical ailments. In the sacred space of ceremony, she facilitates poignant introductions to other medicine plants, which manifest in a myriad of ethereal forms, each encounter offering profound insight and growth.

Chullachqui, a majestic tree, reigns as the king of the jungle—his presence is emblematic of a powerful, grounding masculine energy. This sovereign of the forest is known for his jokey personality, yet the wisdom with which he dispenses his humor is masterful. It’s a profound emotional alchemy where tears of sorrow may swiftly transform into tears of joy.
The laughter Chullachqui inspires isn’t frivolous—it’s playfully delivered, ensuring that the tender inner parts of oneself aren’t mocked but instead invited to partake in the mirth. In this way, Chullachqui is a champion for empowerment, particularly for the ‘little guy.’ He stands as a formidable ally for the inner child, nurturing one’s innate sense of playfulness and fostering the courage to stand up for oneself.
Beyond this, Chullachqui is a veritable creative genius, with an ability to unlock hidden talents in the arts—be it singing, poetry, or other expressive avenues. His protective aura extends beyond humans; he is also revered as the guardian of both the jungle and its many medicine plants. To those who seek his companionship, Chullachqui offers a protective, fatherly energy, watching over them as they venture into profound realms of personal discovery and growth.

Bobinsanna, adorned with divine beautiful flowers, radiates a loving feminine energy that is as nurturing as it is transformative. This plant is a conduit for self-love, serving as a catalyst for profound heart awakenings and openings. Life’s trials often lead many to shield their hearts, whether in response to conflicts with others or turbulent thought-forms within. Bobinsanna gently coaxes these barriers down, rekindling the flames of the heart.
The impact of a heart touched by Bobinsanna extends into the realm of creativity. A heart awakening unlocks one’s creative flow, allowing this potent force to cascade into all facets of life. The ripples of self-love and openness nurtured by Bobinsanna empower individuals in constructing robust foundations of self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence.
Bobinsanna is not just a plant; it’s a compassionate teacher, fostering within students an enriched capacity for compassion, boundless love, and deep-seated self-trust—all essential ingredients for a life lived with authenticity and grace.

Chiric Sanango
Chric Sanango, graced with beautiful purple flowers, exudes a potent masculine energy that’s both formidable and invigorating. It presents one of the most challenging dietas at our disposal, beckoning the brave to partake in its profound journey.
This plant’s inherent qualities are renowned for facilitating deep physical healing, demonstrating remarkable efficacy in mending conditions like nerve damage and arthritis. But Chric Sanango is more than just a healer; it embodies an empowering spirit that infuses those who engage with it with strength and fortitude.
Moreover, Chric Sanango is enveloped by great protective attributes, offering a sanctuary of strength to those under its tutelage. It stands as a guardian, a silent but steadfast ally in the pursuit of wellness and personal empowerment.
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